The Warren County Historic Preservation Commission would like to invite local residents and property owners to be part of history in the county. As the first step in their Planning for Preservation project, they are hosting a public meeting for all residents of Warren County on Tuesday, September 14 at 6:30 p.m. The public meeting will collect public input on history and historic preservation in Warren County, provide information on the importance of historic preservation, and outline potential preservation activities in Warren County. Everyone is invited to attend, to learn about historic preservation, and to provide their input and perspective on historic preservation in Warren County. The public meeting will be held on Tuesday September 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room in the County Administration Building at 301 N. Buxton St in Indianola. The Planning for Preservation project is funded through a Certified Local Government (CLG) grant from the State Historical Society of Iowa.
I also have August 30 noted on my calendar as the date to work on a longer press release that can then be sent to local newspapers and any identified radio stations. We would like that press release to go out about 10 days prior to the meeting on September 14.
The public meeting portion will run from 6:30 to 7:30 or so, with the training on the windshield survey for all HPC members and any recruited volunteers to follow at 7:45/8:00. The public meeting will include the intro to historic preservation information that is also part of the training for the HPC members and volunteers, so everyone will arrive for the meeting at 6:30. Members of the general public are then free to leave at 7:30 or so (if they wish), and everyone else should plan to stick around for the training until 8:45/9:00. As a reminder, this is a mandatory meeting for all HPC members as part of the training component for the Planning for Preservation project.