Warren County Historic Preservation Commission serves Warren County Residents who would like to preserve significant structures more than 50 years old.

The Commission is a preservation and educational resource for all Warren County residents.

Working with Historic Properties
Working with Historic Properties
National Register of Historic Places Listings
National Register of Historic Places Listings
Educational Goals & Objectives
Educational Goals & Objectives
Our Past Projects & Current Projects
Our Past Projects & Current Projects

Why should we preserve historic places?

“If we wish to have a future with greater meaning, we must concern ourselves… with the total heritage of the nation and all that is worth preserving from our past as part of the present.”

With Heritage So Rich, 1966

Hastie Station Restoration Project

This once crumbling eyesore at the northern gateway to Warren County along Hwy 65/69 is now very stable and attractive with countless motorists passing by and remembering the glory days of this iconic facility.